The Best Pet Lodge
for your Best Friend

On May 1, 2007 we opened Cedar Run Pet Lodge with your pet’s welfare as our focus.

  • Purposely built to house your pet

  • Safe and comfortable

  • Conveniently located


Cedar Run Pet Lodge Front Entrance

CRPL – Main Entrance

Inside View of Main Entrance

Inside of Main Entrance

Our vision

Our vision to own and operate a pet lodge comes from our love of animals. We have both owned pets our entire lives and have only taken one vacation together in 21 years. My Mom and my sister Heather flew here to take care of our four “kids” for that time away.

We got our first dog, Bandit, a medium sized mix breed, in Bermuda. We flew her back to Florida and lived with her in a hotel for 2 months while my husband attended a training course in Virginia. Bandit came with us to Washington, Florida, North Carolina, New York and New Brunswick. (We lost Bandit in May of 2006, at 15 years of age.)

Huge Responsibility

Sharuga joined us in March of 1993. A Siberian Husky that lived to 12 years old. And Buddy, our cat that lived to be 13 years old, even though he was surrounded by “the girls”.

In 1998, Shimmer landed on our doorstep. She was a Siberian Husky as well. We could not find her owners, so she decided to own us. We think she was around 13 when we discovered a tumor and we gave her the peace in July 05 after trying unconventional medicines that provided her with a quality of life.

It is a huge responsibility to give you peace of mind when you do have to lodge your dog and it is one not taken lightly.
— Margaret Ann Shaw / Proprietor

Since that time, we have lost the “original family” who will live in our hearts forever. We added 2 new members in 2005, Kashera and Bachelor. Two more Siberians that were 2 months old.

On March 2008, we gained another family member. She is a red and white Siberian Husky named Santana. In 2013 Muddy arrived followed by Jubie in 2014 and Runner in 2017. They have taught us a lot about ourselves and them.

We look forward to seeing you soon.

Cedar Run Pet Lodge Rooms

Pet Lodge Rooms

We are located between Moncton and Shediac to serve the greater Moncton area. Our convenient location is just a seven minute drive from the Moncton airport, 15 minutes from Champlain Place and 30-40 minutes from Riverview. We are located off of Shediac Road (North 134) 6.2 km at 597 Weisner Road. click here to see map

We welcome you to visit our facility with your pet. Please give us a call to schedule an appointment. Our schedule keeps our guests relaxed when it is non disturbance times and always knowing what to expect.

It is a beautiful thing:)

Pet owners trust us to look after the needs of their beloved companions. We are committed to delivering the very highest of pet care, affection and lodging.